Greetings, and a very warm welcome to you. Thank you for taking some time to share in my philosophical foibles. It's my hope that within these entries you might find encouragement, challenge, laughter, counsel and companionship for the journey ahead. Carpe Diem!

Check out www.grantcyster.com for more details. Catch me on Twitter at: GACyster

Monday, 29 June 2009


Hello folks. I've spent the last few days trying not to die as a result of the flu from hell. A strange thing it is...how the human body can produce such a seemingly endless supply of snot so rapidly. :) I don't get ill very often at all, but when it hits, it surely doth suck. It does make me appreciate the gift of health...something which I can so easily take for granted. Anyhoo, I just wanted to take a brief moment to say hi and make an appearance here, as I've committed to being more consistent at. If you're reading this, I hope you're doing well as can be, and I appreciate you taking some time out to spend with poor little sickly ole me. More to follow soon. Ciao for now.

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Grant Cyster