Greetings, and a very warm welcome to you. Thank you for taking some time to share in my philosophical foibles. It's my hope that within these entries you might find encouragement, challenge, laughter, counsel and companionship for the journey ahead. Carpe Diem!

Check out www.grantcyster.com for more details. Catch me on Twitter at: GACyster

Thursday, 17 March 2011


Not too long ago a friend of mine made the observation about the peculiarity of people constructing nuclear power stations on or in very close proximity to major geographical fault lines. This is revealing itself to be a very precarious business, as is becoming all too evident as we observe events unfolding in Japan, following the 6th largest earthquake in recorded history. May the good Lord be with the Japanese people and bring them comfort. In a tangible sense, it raises the issue of the importance of exercising wisdom and forethought when it comes to constructing something that is not only of great value, but that is also potentially costly when the foundation on which it is constructed proves to be unsound.

Consider this: the foundation is the single most important aspect in the construction of any building. It may seem pretty dull, formed with ordinary materials like concrete and gravel, but without a solid and sturdy foundation, the value and beauty of everything contained in the structure is compromised and at risk. If any workman takes his construction seriously and is intent on creating something that will protect the inhabitants and items that are found within it, especially in the midst of storms and upheaval, laying a sturdy foundation is crucial.

Considering the value of a solidly constructed building is one thing, but what about the importance of a solidly constructed life? Let's assume that there is agreement that the need for building a life on a solid foundation is important. I mean, if you happen to think that living a life of purpose requires no rooted philosophical or spiritual foundation (whatever that foundation is believed to be), then that is an entirely different discussion. For the purpose of this commentary, let's assume that a good foundation is in fact required to live a life that is full of hope, joy and contentment. If that is the case, the next question would relate to what form that foundation takes.

Opinions on this point will no doubt be varied. Some people would speak of the importance of cherishing and cultivating physical health. Others would defend the value of education and self-development. Others still may place a spotlight on selflessness, generosity and compassion. There are those who would talk about living with abandon and pursuing one's dreams. There are voices which would testify to the overriding priority of family and friendship. Of course, there are billions on this earth who would claim as most important, cultivating a heart that is in right-standing with God, or the gods, or the Universe (whichever brand of deity they subscribe to).

Now, you are reading a blog, and it happens to be my blog, so guess what...you get to read my opinion. :) In my view, there is no foundation that is safer, stronger, longer lasting, and more beautiful than Jesus Christ...the Creator of heaven and earth and the King of all kings and Lord of all lords. Nothing else in this universe is as or more important than He. Making this statement is not a matter of tolerance versus intolerance. It is fundamentally a matter of truth. I believe Jesus to be who He said He is. I believe Him to be able to do what He said He can do. In light of His Life and His words, all other foundations are shifting sand...period.

That may seem narrow-minded, even arrogant, but I suppose truth is kind of quirky that way. As someone once said: "No man should be so arrogant as to think he can break the commandments of God. The commandments of God stand forever. He can only break himself against them." As much as this is not a matter of intolerance, neither is it one of judgment. I'm simply saying that in this life, there is such a thing as fundamental truth, and that truth has revealed Himself in the person of Jesus, through the love of the heavenly Father and by the power of the Spirit of God. That is my foundation. It may not be yours, and you will receive no judgment or criticism from me for it. We are all on a journey. We are all pilgrims in this world taking our own pathways through life. I believe that any heartfelt yearning for truth will lead into the arms of Jesus, in this life or the next.

However our unique travels unfold, I believe that it is Jesus alone who holds the keys of death and the grave. I believe that His dealings with us will be merciful, fair and kind beyond our capacity to comprehend. I believe that His name alone provides shelter from the storms of a broken and often unjust world. I believe Jesus to be the only sure foundation upon which life in this world and beyond can be forged. There is one Way, there is one Truth, there is one Life...He is Jesus the Christ.

NOTE: Feel free to reprint this post. Should you do so, kindly include the following byline:

Grant Alexander Cyster owns the blog entitled "I THINK, THEREFORE I ACHE.", offered as part of his Cape Town based freelance media business at: www.grantcyster.com

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