Greetings, and a very warm welcome to you. Thank you for taking some time to share in my philosophical foibles. It's my hope that within these entries you might find encouragement, challenge, laughter, counsel and companionship for the journey ahead. Carpe Diem!

Check out www.grantcyster.com for more details. Catch me on Twitter at: GACyster

Friday, 13 April 2012


Life can be plain flippin' hard sometimes. Believe me, I know. I'm not the type to advocate sticking one's head in the sand and thinking happy-clappy thoughts, as if real challenges and problems don't exist, or as if they'll magically evaporate just because we will them to. No. There are times when our circumstances are simply gruelling, and it's a reality which I have no intention of dismissing.

However, with that said, it doesn't mean that you have to assume the posture of a helpless victim when the depression demons come pounding on your door. You have the ability to choose, and with that power comes the possibility of taking steps that can significantly reduce, if not eliminate, the storm clouds that are so callously peeing on your head. Locking yourself away with the curtains drawn is a No-No. If you desire to fight your way towards a healthier frame of mind, that option is available to you.

  1. Get some sunshine and fresh air - The benefits of sunshine and the outdoors are as much psychological as they are physiological. Take a walk. Bask in some rays for a little while (with some protection if need be). Give your body a chance to soak in those warm and fuzzy rays and life-giving oxygen.
  2. Get active - Take a walk. Do some gardening. Pop to the gym. Whatever you can. The benefits of exercise are age-old and undeniable. It's a sure-fire way to strengthen the body and mind.
  3. Get social - Surround yourself with the company of positive, loving and inspiring people. We human beings are social creatures. Resist the temptation to shun good company. Sometimes, in this depression game, you need to do things for yourself that you know you need, even if you don't particularly want them very much.
  4. Get inspired - Identify something that you can do that you enjoy and that invigorates and/or challenges you. It could me learning/playing an instrument, reading a good book, catching a good movie, blogging or journaling, building a model aircraft...whatever gets your creative juices flowing. The sense of enjoyment and accomplishment associated with feeding your creative side can work wonders.
  5. Get help - If you're able to, there's absolutely no shame in seeking out professional counselling or therapy. Being able to 'offload' in the presence of an insightful and empathetic expert in these matters can help shed light on things and usher in healthy perspective. Ask people you trust if they're able to suggest someone, and make an appointment. It's worth the shot if you're able to take it.
  6. Get proactive - If you know you're prone to depression, expect it to try its luck on occasion, and be ready in advance to take proactive, positive action. Don't allow yourself to be sucker-punched and to go into automatic defeat mode. When you sense that nasty gremlin approaching, make up your mind to run toward the light through embracing the aforementioned kinds of actions, rather than shutting yourself off from it and thereby exacerbating the problem.

Again, it's not my intention to make light of the depression issue. It's very real, and all too often very suffocating and seemingly overwhelming. It takes courage to face it head on, and a self-owned desire to experience life free from its clutches. At the end of the day, the smallest positive step that you can take is a step worth taking. Godspeed to you!

NOTE: Feel free to reprint this post. Should you do so, kindly include the following byline:

Grant Alexander Cyster owns the blog entitled "I THINK, THEREFORE I ACHE.", offered as part of his Cape Town based freelance media business at: www.grantcyster.com


  1. great suggestions Grant....one I find beneficial is listening to great worship songs! I have forced myself to do this many, many times and shortly into the process, I find myself less focused on my circumstances and refocused on Him. It's saved me from spiraling many a times.

  2. Very true Becker. Re-establishing or being mindful of our connection with God is comforting indeed. Thanks for your comment.

  3. Oh yeah... really important. Sugar and white flour cause depression and obesity. Lose 20 lbs in a few weeks by cutting out sugar and white flour.

  4. Shoot... the first comment didn't appear... It's like... Things I do to beat depression... Exercise, exercise, excercise. Endorphins are excellent!

  5. Hi Christopher. Good points there. Thanks for reading and commenting.

  6. Excellent post, Grant.

    I'm always pretty upbeat, but admit that even someone with a "sunny disposition" can feel down sometimes.

    Indeed, exercise and fresh air definitely helps. And for me, like many other women ... CHOCOLATE! Chocolate has "feel good" endorphins in it and by eating dark chocolate, we're not getting much fat or sugar and we're getting lots of great endorphins.

    1. Hi Doreen. Much appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. Admittedly, I'd be VERY tempted to choose dark chocolate over exercise. :)


Hi there! Thanks so much for taking the time to visit my blog. I would love to read any comments that you care to share. Be my guest.

Grant Cyster