Greetings, and a very warm welcome to you. Thank you for taking some time to share in my philosophical foibles. It's my hope that within these entries you might find encouragement, challenge, laughter, counsel and companionship for the journey ahead. Carpe Diem!

Check out www.grantcyster.com for more details. Catch me on Twitter at: GACyster

Thursday, 28 March 2013


A little while ago I did something I have not done in quite some time...I watched a sunset. It was the first time I did so in an age. I admit this with some embarrassment given the fact that I live in a city which offers so many great vantage points from which to experience this beautiful natural spectacle.

As I stood watching the solar fire ball dip below the oceanic horizon, it felt like my soul was taking its first deep breath of fresh air in far, far too long. Since that encounter with nature's beauty, I've been thinking about other important things that haven't been a part of my life for an unacceptably long period of time.

One of these things is a gut-busting, belly-aching laugh that brings me to tears. It occurred to me that I haven't laughed like this in ages. That's just not flippin' cool. When did life become so darn serious? Thinking along these lines is the motivation for this blog entry. Think about it...what are the immeasurably positive things that you've been neglecting for no good reason whatsoever?

When was the last time you literally stopped to smell some roses? When was the last time you told a friend or family member that you love them? When was the last time you did something, however small, to brighten the day of someone less fortunate? When was the last time you cranked some music obnoxiously loud and danced your ass off like an idiot until your heart raced and the sweat flowed? When was the last time you took a risk to chase a dream?

The list could be endless. What makes life worthwhile if not a series of inspiring and exciting experiences that we allow ourselves the freedom and permission to enjoy? Good grief, people! We were meant for infinitely more than the vast majority of us typically settle for.

When was the last time that life was something you enjoyed, not endured?


NOTE: Feel free to reprint this post. Should you do so, kindly include the following byline:

Grant Alexander Cyster owns the blog entitled "I THINK, THEREFORE I ACHE.", offered as part of his Cape Town based freelance media business at: www.grantcyster.com


  1. Thanks Grant for the reminder. I also miss laughing like that . I want to dance like that again. I for certain am way to serious. I pray often for balance in my life. I was just telling someone that Adolfo and I work to an "end result" but forget to realize that the actual journey is what gave me the most joys, memories and sense of accomplishment. That is the "living". I need to lighten up. Celeste

    1. Hi Celeste. Thanks for reading and commenting. That's exactly the issue...there's no point in being fixated on some future event or circumstance while the moments that make up life on the way there are unappreciated and wasted. Living in the moment. We used to be good at it as kids. We need to rediscover that gem.

  2. Watching an especially LARGE full moon rise while enjoying a winter solstice marshmallow fire with my 6-year-old daughter. Oh yes, and staying up way past my bedtime to read your blog! ;)

  3. Welcome to my world...Night Owls United. :) Thanks for the visit. I hope you're enjoying the read.


Hi there! Thanks so much for taking the time to visit my blog. I would love to read any comments that you care to share. Be my guest.

Grant Cyster